PROPHECY 6/12/95

In days to come the earth will mourn.

The nations will grieve and convulse in pain.

Who has seen anything like this

and who will see it again?

A time of gross darkness.

How cold it will be.

For sin does not bring warmth to the soul

nor peace to the spirit.

The rich will neglect the poor.

They will turn their faces

and close their ears

to their appeals.

Support will elude the sojourner.

Work will elude the laborer.

Brother will despise brother

and sister against sister.

Taunts and abuse.

Children will be abandoned

and left to die

while crying and screaming in agony.

Brothers and sister will beg for help.

Sons and daughters will be longing for love

yet their own families will not hear them.

Sin and lawlessness will escalate

until its too much

even for the world to bear.

I opened my eyes

and saw the world

as it will be at that time.

The streets were littered

with the bodies of the dead.

The stench filled the lungs

of the living.

I saw the surface of the earth

and it was covered

with naked men and women.

They looked like snakes slithering over each other.

Their hearts were consumed with sexual desires

and their minds were bound to sexual immorality.

World economies will crumble

like poorly constructed buildings

and economic superpowers

will be brought low.

Asia – China, Europe, America.

The laborer will be neglected.

Small businesses and powerful empires

will fall and disappear

leaving human livelihood in a state of desperation

and so crime will escalate.

Those of the crescent moon (muslims/satanists/occultists)

will raise their voices

and rise in power

against those of the cross (Christians).

So too will the children of the evil one

rise against the children of The Anointed One.

A time of warfare

both spiritual and natural.

Serpents and scorpions (demons) will emerge from secret places.

Curses will be spoken

and curses will be broken.

Men and women controlled by unclean spirits

will attack the chosen ones of God.

Fierce warfare.

Natural disasters will increase

in frequency and severity.

Countless deaths.

In months to come

Asia will be a wasteland.

Some of its land will be beneath the sea (flooded).

Some of its land will be devastated.

War, disaster, earthquake and flood.

Sicknesses and diseases will overpower the world

but only for a short time.

The coast lands of many countries

will be submerged by floodwaters.

Riots, protests, disorder and anarchy.

But do not be afraid

says the Lord.

I am your deliverer, your liberator.

Come to Me and I will deliver you from disaster.

Approach Me

Do I not call you?

Do i not invite you?

Then why be afraid?

They who are in need

are not afraid to ask for help

for if they do not

they will not receive the help they need.

Therefore come, ask

and I will restore you

says the Lord your God.

Follow Me and I will lead you

to peaceful days.

- Richard Pace


