JULY 1ST 1995
The world is barren, desolate, empty.
Resolutions ignored
Agreements broken
Friendships forgotten
Love cold.
With the coming of a new age (yeah, decade, millennium),
So too the coming of a new disease (and diseases).
New sicknesses, plagues, pestilences, viruses, epidemics and pandemics.
Just as the spirit of humankind has become sick,
So too their bodies will become sick.
And just as their souls are infected with sin,
So too their bodies will be infected with disease.
What cure is there?
There is none!
Only one…repentance.
A new plague is coming,
Unlike anything of the past.
Nothing like it has been seen before,
But it won’t be the last.
At that time (this is how you will know the time has come). Treatments and cures for many, existing diseases will be found.
Treatments and cures for certain cancers,
as well as a cure for Hepatitis, a treatment for dermatitis and a treatment for AIDS, will be found.
Many untreatable, incurable diseases,
will become treatable or/and cured.
But there will be no rest for the people.
Just as relief comes,
they stop to catch their breath
And take a moment to rest,
New plagues will come upon them
With greater force and resilience
Than the ones before.
These plagues will be so bad,
One will have rather died
Of cancer or AIDS
Than of these.
But I will send My Spirit,
Says the Lord.
And the healing anointing shall fill
The hearts and rest upon the hands of My faithful.
They will lay their hands on the sick
And the sick will be healed.
I will protect those who love Me
And will shield those who walk with Me.
I will use (move in and through) this situation
To bring glory to My name.
And what medicine cannot cure
Prayer will.
- Richard Pace