MAY 3RD, 2010

Prophecy given by Richard Pace at Revival Fire meeting 24/3/10.

The Lord Says!

Just when you thought things could not get any worse - then they do. Just when you thought nothing else could go wrong - then it does. Just when it seems like all hope is gone and everything around you is dying or dead, I, the Lord, will come in and revive, rejuvenate, resurrect and restore the dead places of your life! *(The things in your life that don't seem to be going right but that the Lord has promised to prosper).

Just when you thought My promises will never come to pass and that you will never see the answers to your prayers or the meeting of your needs, I, the Lord, will move in such a way as you have never seen or experienced before! I will move to fulfill My promises to you, bring you the manifestation of the answers to your prayers and the meeting of your every need and I will do it now! *(Not necessarily at this very moment but in the season the Lord has ordained for the breakthrough, whether it be at this very moment or in the not too distant future).

I will revive, rejuvenate, resurrect and restore the dead places of your life! Just as I breathed life into the nostrils of Adam and he became living soul. Just as I commanded Ezekiel to prophecy to the dead bones and when he did, I breathed upon them and brought them back to life. Just as I breathed My Spirit into the disciples, so now, through my servant, I will do the same today! As he speaks forth My words in prophecy, I will send forth My anointing through those words and breathe new life into the dead bones of your situations and circumstances!

Whatever the thief *(enemy) has stolen from you, I will now force him to return to you seven-fold plus the substance of his house! Whatever areas of your life are dying or dead and whatever of yours the spirit of death has swallowed up, I will now breathe new life into and resurrect it.

Some of you have My promises and have been standing upon them but you have said in your heart, "It is taking far too long for this to come to pass", and have written off, abandoned and forgotten them. But I, the Lord, have not forgotten. I will come and breathe new life into you! I will restore to you the zeal, passion, fire and desire you lost because of discouragement through past hurts, wounds and disappointments! I will now come and restore to you the zeal, passion, fire and desire you lost! I will come to remove the deadness, staleness and heaviness from your life and will send a fresh anointing that will revive, rejuvenate and strengthen you.

You will now see MULTIPLICATION GREATLY! You will move into a place of great abundance! You have my promise(s). Now you must appropriate them to receive them. *(We must take the appropriate steps to obey the instructions the Lord has given us in the situation to see the promises).

*Parenthesis added by the writer for clarity.

- Richard Pace


