Angelo’s Testimony
Just over a month ago, Angelo came to a revival fire meeting for the first time. During the meeting I called out that a man was feeling a physical whirlwind swirling within his ear. When I asked for confirmation, Angelo put up his hand. Shocked and surprised he said, “That’s me.” I then said to him, “So you felt a physical whirlwind swirling within your ear?” to which he replied, “Yes.” Perplexed, he couldn't understand what was happening or how it was happening. I then said, “The Lord is healing your ears. He is doing something for you.” Angelo then told us he had been legally deaf since he was a little boy and had to wear hearing aids, however, he still couldn't hear properly even with the hearing aids, but it was worse in his left ear which was the ear in which he felt the whirlwind. I then told him again, “The Lord is healing your ears.” He was shocked and surprised enough by what happened that night, but nothing could prepare him for what happened the next day.
At the next meeting, Angelo gave a testimony that at work the day after the revival fire meeting, he heard music playing in the background. He thought maybe it was something he was hearing in the spirit. However, later that same day, he discovered his workmates were playing music in the workplace…and he could hear it perfectly! He told us this was the first time he ever heard something like this – he wasn't able to hear anything especially in the distance. He gave his testimony at our July monthly miracle service. Since then, he hasn't worn his hearing aids and his hearing has continually improved with each day. ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO THE LORD!