Much confusion surrounds the Kundalini spirit in the Church. We hear a lot about it but many Christians still don’t know very much about it. And this is where it finds its foothold.
The Kundalini spirit, although more commonly known as a counterfeit spirit as it mimics the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, is also a sexual spirit which begins seeming like the Holy Spirit, but proceeds to bind people sexually once it has a foothold.
Rooted in Hindu mysticism, false religion, false worship and occult, this spirit has infiltrated the Church to the point where it has succeeded in convincing, even God’s people, what is evil is good, what is good is evil, what is of this spirit is of the Holy Spirit and what is of the Holy Spirit is of this spirit.
It’s time to expose the Kundalini spirit for what it really is so the Church can confront, combat, overcome and expel this spirit from lives, families, the Church and ultimately, the nation.
In this series you will learn about,
Lying, Counterfeit Spirits and Manifestations
What the Kundalini Spirit is
How the Kundalini Spirit Moves and Works
Discerning False Manifestations from True
Twenty Two Manifestations of the Kundalini Spirit
How the Kundalini Spirit can Enter a Life
How to Overcome the Kundalini Spirit
And much more.
Part one of a five part series
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