Towards the end of 2011, the Lord spoke to me about certain things that will occur in 2012. I describe these events as though they had already occurred by using the word "will" in their description as this is how I saw them. However, the Lord said that the disasters mentioned are conditional on prayer, meaning that if we pray, some of them will either be postponed, diminished or will not occur at all (2 Chron 7:14).

■ Natural disasters will continue to increase in frequency and severity (especially earthquakes, tsunamis and floods). The Lord revealed to me in a dream that there will be an earthquake in the African state of Sierra Leone. It will be between 4.5 and 7.5 in magnitude. I saw multitudes fleeing the city. I also saw the ground breaking, opening up and swallowing houses, buildings and people. I saw the coastlines of countries flooded by tsunamis which forced people to move further inland. The geography of certain countries will be changed (Mt 24).

■ There will be war between Israel and the Arab nations which will bring the greatest move of God the world has seen so far. Israel is God’s time clock and whenever there is war in Israel, a move of God always follows.

■ The darkness in the world will continue to grow darker but the presence, power, glory and blessings of God will continue to increase in the Church. The presence of God will not only be felt from us but will be seen upon us (Isa 60:1-4, NKJV).

■ The Church will see a time of great growth, prosperity and multiplication like it has never seen before (Deut 8:1, 18).

■ Demonic activity will increase in the earth.

■ Angelic visitations, visitations of the Lord and prophetic encounters will increase not only in the Church but also in the world (on the streets).

■ We will go from Church to kingdom. We will be moved from the four walls of the Church out into the world. It will almost be like a “thrusting” or “pushing” out of our comfort zones in the Church into the world.

■ There will be a second economic crisis which will bring the commencement of the greatest wealth transfer to date. The wealth of the wicked will once again be transferred to the righteous (the Church), for the preaching of the Gospel and the building of the Kingdom of God (Pr 13:22, Isa 60:5).

■ There will be a great paradigm shift in the hearts, minds and attitudes of many. The Lord will purify His people as with a fine tooth comb. He will go deeper and will expose and remove wrong attitudes, wrong thinking, wrong beliefs, sins, weaknesses and bondages we didn’t even know were there.

■ There will be another shift in secular and Christian government (leadership). Many secular and Church leaders who have abused their authority and positions will be removed and replaced with more reliable, trustworthy and competent leaders. This will occur in the Australian government. The Lord said that this will continue in 2011 and 2012. In 2001, soon after the World Trade Centre attack, the Lord spoke to me and said that the three great dictators - Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi will be hunted down, found and killed. And so it was. First Saddam Hussein on the 30th of December 2006. Then Osama Bin Laden on May the 2nd 2011, followed by Colonel Gaddafi on the 20th of October 2011. However, the enemy will continue to place evil people in government to counter the Lord’s plan.

■ SUDDENLIES will come to the people of God! SUDDEN changes, visitations from the Lord, prophetic and angelic encounters, healings, miracles, signs, wonders, breakthroughs, answers to prayers and prosperity! SUDDEN disasters will come upon the earth but SUDDEN blessings will come upon the Church and many who have been struggling, striving, battling and waiting for answers and breakthroughs will see them SUDDENLY! (Mal 3:1).

■ The enemy is planning fresh attacks against the Body of Christ. This is because the Lord is about to take the church to a higher level and every time the Lord is about to bring us closer to Him, promote us, increase His anointing upon us and bring breakthroughs, the enemy will attack us to try and stop it. This in itself is ABSOLUTE confirmation that we are growing in God, dealing the enemy a major blow and that we are about to see our breakthroughs. The Lord said that if we pray against this that many of the things the enemy is planning against us will be stopped even before he can conceive them.

■ Despite the increasing threats of the end of the world in 2012, the world WILL NOT end in 2012 but it will be dramatically changed. However in all of this the Lord will not allow the righteous to be judged, punished or destroyed with the wicked. God WILL FAITHFULLY protect and preserve His people.

I ask all who read this prophecy, especially Pastors, leaders, intercessors and prayer warriors to agree with me in prayer so that God's will be done in these situations. Blessings.

- Richard Pace.


