
JUNE 2ND, 2020


At Sunday night’s online monthly miracle service, I saw and heard an important and significant thing. I saw and heard the word “ADVANCEMENT!” Then I saw a huge army, a number too great to count, marching forth, clothed in battle armour, decorated with weaponry, marching in perfect unity into battle! They were terrifying to behold and struck fear in the hearts of all who saw them!

Then I saw a vision of what looked like a space shuttle or rocket (like that of a NASA space shuttle) boosting its rocket engines and taking off or launching into space. I could hear the initial explosion of the engines at ignition and the rumbling of the engines propelling the rocket beyond the skies, through the troposphere, past the stratosphere and beyond the mesosphere.

Then I heard the Lord say, “I am launching and propelling the body of Christ (the Church) further than you have ever gone before!” As the Lord was saying this, I could still see the rocket rising higher and higher into space. Then the Lord said, “As the Covid-19 crisis begins to subside, and you resume your meetings, I will propel the body of Christ (the Church) further. It will not be so much a slow or gradual advancement, like an advancing army, neither will it be sudden, however, it will be quick and an acceleration from where you are now like a rocket being propelled into space.”

The day after receiving this, I heard about the shuttle launch in the USA. I had not heard of it before that point nor as I was seeing this vision.

The advancing army I saw represents the Church (the body of Christ - post lock down), as it will become, advancing as a force to be reckoned with.

However, the vision of both the advancing army and launching rocket represents the transition the Church is about to go through from where it currently is or will be - from moving at a certain pace to being propelled further and faster than it ever has before.

The timing of the shuttle launch and vision is significant also. The Lord revealed to me the shuttle launch - prophetic of the church and believers being launched further in the spirit, and this prophetic word occurring on the same day (Pentecost Sunday), is also prophetic of what the Lord is about to do in the Church and the earth, that is, the greatest revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit since Pentecost for the end times harvest of souls and to prepare the world for His coming. #advancementandpropulsion

- Richard Pace


