Southbank Brisbane1.jpg

JANUARY 12TH, 2011

The following is an email I received from a Christian action group called Salt Shakers which includes news concerning the devastating Queensland flood crisis and a list of prayer requests for the people of Queensland. I urge all who read this to agree with us in prayer for the people of Queensland.

Note: some of the information in this email has been updated.


Before reading the email I want to draw your attention to a prophetic word I received from the Lord in 1995 which I posted in February 2009, warning of what we are seeing today.

In October 1995, the Lord spoke to me of a time when Australia will see natural disasters of severity and frequency unlike any it has seen before.  That time has now come.

For the country of Australia,

Declares the Lord;

Rain, floods, hail, cyclones, wind, storms, drought, heat waves, earthquakes, fires and so many deluges that none would not have heard of the damage caused. Many states and cities will see devastation. Many lives will be lost.

Prepare! Be ready, in season and out of season! Spring, summer, autumn and winter. For the next few decades will the danger increase but as the danger increases, My grace and blessings will also.

(Prophetic Message for Australia - Oct, 1995).

The Lord revealed to me that one of the reasons why this will happen is because the people of this nation will not turn to, rely on and obey Him. But if Australians would turn to the Lord, walk with Him and offer prayer for this nation, many of the disasters prophesied for this country will either not occur or will not be as volatile as prophesied. The Lord Himself will intervene to stop them. The Lord is not responsible for any of these disasters and has not sent any of them as a judgment but they have come because of the sins of the people of this nation. The Lord is giving this message as a warning so that the people of Australia will repent of their sins and be spared from any disasters to come.

"Then the Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said to him: "I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place" (2 Chron 7:12-15 NKJV).

- Richard Pace


From: jenny@saltshakers.org.au
To: news@saltshakers.org.au
Subject: E-News: Rain and Floods in Queensland - Please Pray
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 17:14:15 +1100

[Posted on our website: permanent link - Rain and floods in Queensland ]
The continuing floods in South East Queensland have caused devastation for many people with loss of property, livestock and lives. With the flash flood in Toowoomba (Queensland) yesterday causing the deaths of people, and with many people missing, this is indeed a tragic event. As well as personal property, the infrastructure of the region and the economy of the region are also severely affected. Many groups around Australia are calling on Christians to pray, to fast and to repent. Two of these...

* Catch the Fire Ministries, led by Ps Danny Nalliah, is calling on Christians in Victoria "to gather at the parliament steps in Melbourne on Wednesday the 12th of January 2011 (tomorrow) from 12 to 1pm to pray for the people of QLD and stand in the gap for our nation in this hour of crisis.   We need to ask God to forgive us and save our land from any further disaster."
* Transforming Sydney is calling for people to pray and fast for three days. They say "Transforming Sydney we are calling everyone to seek God, start praying and cry out to the Lord for help. Millions around the world are praying. We need the church to be united, the Lord is knocking on our door asking us to love each other and love Him more. We can do that by repenting and ask His forgiveness. . ."
See www.transformingsydney.org


Please pray:

  • That the missing people will be found alive (estimated at more than 70) (Read media report).

  • For the families of the eight people already killed.

  • That the rains will stop so that the problem won't get worse.

  • That the Wivenhoe Dam will hold water and stop any flooding of Brisbane.

  • The dam, built to protect Brisbane from flooding - built after the devastating 1974 floods (watch film here and photos here) - is currently at 100% capacity and is releasing a lot of water each day. (See report here.)

  • Or people whose jobs are affected by the floods and for the farmers and the economy.


Jenny Stokes
Research Director
Salt Shakers
a: PO Box 6049, Wantirna, Victoria, 3152
p: (03) 9800 2855
m: 0413 084 145       
e: jenny@saltshakers.org.au
w: www.saltshakers.org.au


Salt Shakers is a 'Christian Ethics - Research, Education and Action Group'.
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- Richard Pace


