JUNE 17TH, 2010
In April this year (2010), the Lord gave me the following message.
As we approach the half way point of 2010, the word of the Lord to us is, "Stand, fight and contend for what is ours!" We are drawing closer to the greatest move of God we have ever seen and the Lord is positioning us, not only to receive the promises and blessings He has for us in this season, but to be a blessing to others with what He has given and will give us.
Another prophetic word the Lord gave me for the Church is "Stand, for the breakthroughs are coming through". As we approach the month of June, we will come to a time (season) where breakthroughs and answers to prayers that people have been waiting many years for, as well as many significant medical and scientific breakthroughs, will come through. God has provided every promise, blessing and benefit of His word and kingdom through His Son, Jesus Christ and the New Covenant for us to receive but there is an enemy, as well as obstacles and barriers, that will attempt to prevent us from receiving them. Many are waiting and struggling for breakthrough at this time. Some are losing hope, giving up and falling away. The enemy is coming against many unlike before. Every time we are about to go to a higher level with God, see a fresh move of God or see our breakthrough, the enemy attacks in ways he never has before in an attempt to prevent us from going forward. However, this in itself is a sign that the breakthrough is on its way and the move of God He has promised is coming. This is confirmation that we should press on all the more.
This is the time when we must stand, fight and contend for what is rightfully ours. Before there can be victory, there must be a battle. The word of God states in Deut 1:8, "See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to your fathers - to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - to give to them and their descendants after them". God commanded His people to possess or lay hold of the land He had already promised and provided for them. Before the Israelites could possess the Promised Land, they had to confront, fight and overcome the giants (enemies) that were in the land who were preventing them from possessing it. The Promised Land was rightfully and legally theirs for God had given it to them but there were enemies in the land that prevented the Israelites from taking it which they had to confront and overcome. The Lord says to us, "See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the land…" He is saying, see, I have given you the land - His promises, blessings and the breakthrough. Now, we must go in and possess it. We must stand, fight and contend for what the Lord has already provided for us and if we don't, we may not see it. God has given us His promises but there are enemies, obstacles and barriers that are preventing us from receiving them that we need to confront and overcome by God's power. In this season, we must contend for the faith - our faith in God, our relationship with Him and what He has promised us (Jude 1:3). It is time to lay hold of and stand for what is ours (1 Tim 6:12 & 19). It is time to boldly move forward in God and stand against (resist) the enemy, temptation and sin (Jas 4:7 & 8).
If you are going through a testing, trying or difficult time, do not give up. The word of God declares in Gal 6:9 & 10,"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith." Here, the word of God tells us that in due season, we shall reap - we shall see the answers to our prayers and the breakthroughs we are waiting for if we do not lose heart or give up. And as we are waiting, we must continue to do good to all. It's easy to give up when nothing is going our way. Its easy to throw up our hands and walk away when nothing is going right for us and its easy to say, "Why should I do good to others", when no one seems to be doing good to us but this is exactly what we should be doing, we should continue doing good in every circumstance, not only as we wait for our breakthrough but at all times. And in the end, we will see the victory.
My prayer is that as we move into the second half of 2010 that your love for God will become more intense, your walk with God will become more resolute, your obedience to God will become more constant and that you will see and enjoy the wonderful blessings He has prepared for you.
- Richard Pace