Pastor's Letter (Dec 2008)

On the 26th of October 2007, The Lord spoke to me and said that the darkness in the world will grow darker but the light - the glory of God - in the church will grow stronger and brighter.

"Then I saw a vision of the earth from space. It looked peaceful, tranquil. Suddenly I saw a thick black mist cover the earth. It looked like a big black ball. Then I saw lights that looked like beacons slowly appearing through the mist, one on one side of the planet, another on the other side of the planet until the face of the earth was covered with them. There were only a few of these beacons, possibly seven in all. Their light shined through the mist creating markers on the earth. The people were drawn to them and I saw millions flocking to their light. Then the vision ended. The black mist in this vision represents a flood of darkness that is coming upon the earth. This darkness is the manifestation of evil and the deterioration or decay of the world's moral substance (Mt 24:12).  It represents an increase of sin and lawlessness as well as increased natural disasters worldwide, economic trouble, instability and failure. The beacons of light represent the Church and specifically, certain Churches that will rise up to be a light in the darkness at this time." (Richard Pace - Build Me an Ark)

"As the darkness in the earth grows darker, the light in the Church will grow brighter and many will be attracted to it." (Richard Pace - Build Me an Ark)

"Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. "Lift up your eyes all around, and see: They all gather together, they come to you; your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be nursed at your side (Isa 60:1-4, NKJV).

This will occur so there will be a distinction between the people of God and the people of the world. So the people of the world will see that as the world is getting worse, the church is growing stronger and as a result will desire to know and walk with the Lord.

"The Lord said that in 2008 and in the years to come the world will see great economic trouble, turmoil and instability such that has not been seen since the great depression. Economic structures will crumble and fall. A shift will take place in the world's economic climate but as the world falls deeper into darkness the church will grow and prosper. This will occur so all will know that they cannot rely on the feeble structures of the world's systems but only on God and His word. As a result, the wealth of the sinner will be given over to the righteous (the church) for the preaching of the gospel and the building of the body of Christ." (Richard Pace - Build Me an Ark)

This year (2008) has been one of the most naturally and financially volatile years in world history. The China earthquakes, increased storm, hurricane and flood activity worldwide and of course, the economic crisis. Indeed the darkness in the world is growing darker. However, it has been one of the most prosperous years the church has seen. The glory of the Lord has increased dramatically in the church. We have seen more salvations, healings, miracles, breakthroughs and victories this year than we ever have before. The Lord has truly brought us to a higher level and has opened new doors of opportunity for us.

In 2007 the Lord also revealed to me that 2008 will be the year of overflow for many. Those who are walking with the Lord in obedience and who are planted in the body of Christ (the Church) will begin to experience an overflow of intimacy with God. As a result of an increased level of intimacy with the Lord, we will experience an overflow of God's blessings in every area of our lives. However, we are not to seek the Lord or draw near to Him for intimacy just so that we can be blessed, we are to seek Him from a desire to know Him intimately but as we do, we will receive an overflow of God's blessings. This "Overflow Blessing" is being released to us for four specific reasons;


  • So that we may be established (Deut 28:9, 2 Chron 20:20, Ps 40:2, Ps 112:8, Prov 4:26, Prov 16:3, Isa 54:14, Rom 1:11, 1 Thess 3:2) and in turn

  • So that we may build the Kingdom of God, the Church - to bring souls into the kingdom (1 Chron 29:16, 2 Chron 4:18, 24:9-14, 31:5-12)

  • So that we may have more than enough to share with those in need (Mal 3:10, 2 Cor 8:7-15) and

  • To glorify Jesus Christ and God the Father (the most important reason) (Jn 15:5-8)


Indeed, as the world is experiencing an overflow (flood) of darkness, the church is experiencing an overflow of the presence, power and blessings of God. As the world decreases, the church will see MULTIPLICATION.

We are coming out of our wilderness and into our promised land.

The Lord is taking us to a higher and deeper level of intimacy and glory with Him.

"The word of the Lord to the Church is "Come up Here!" "After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven" (Rev 4:1, NKJV). John saw a door standing open in heaven. A door is an entry or exit way which joins two rooms or places together making it possible to move from one room or place into another. The Lord is opening a door to bring us from our present circumstances to a higher (better) place in the spirit and the natural. We are in a season of transition. A shift is taking place in the spirit, a quickening in the natural. The Lord is taking us from one level of glory to a greater level of glory. Out of one place into a better place. Out of one set of circumstances into a better set of circumstances. Out from the confines of our human weaknesses, struggles and natural limitations into the freedom and liberty of the spirit. "He also brought me out into a broad (spacious) place; He delivered me because He delighted in me" (Ps 18:19 NKJV parenthesis added). "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Cor 3: 18 NKJV). "Come up here" is a prophetic call, a divine invitation to go to deeper levels of intimacy with and higher levels of glory in the Lord." (Richard Pace - Come Up Here!)

In 2009 we will see more of the same. The darkness in the world will continue to grow darker but the glory of the Lord in the church will continue to grow brighter.

sin and lawlessness as well as natural disasters, economic trouble and instability will increase in the world but we will see even more salvations, healings, miracles, signs and wonders, breakthroughs, victories and prosperity in the church. We will experience a sudden "boost" of the glory of God. There will be a specific point in 2009 (mid  to end of year) when the spiritual climate will shift once again and it will almost feel like we have been "propelled" into a sudden "boost" of God's presence, power and blessings. The revival we have been seeing will continue to grow and intensify until it infiltrates every country, city, heart and life. The fire of God for "purification" will increase upon the church and specific individuals, especially pastors, leaders and ministers. All Christians will experience a greater degree of God's purification and discipline and impurity will be removed from us. This will be to prepare us for the glory to come. There will also be an ongoing "re- arranging" of those in secular and Christian authority and offices. Those who are abusing and misusing the authority and offices they have been given will be removed from their positions and replaced with those who can be trusted with them. This will be a work of the Holy Spirit.

"The Lord said; "POSITION YOURSELF!" He continued; "You will have to position yourself for this. This is not a season where you can just sit back and expect the overflow to fall into your lap as at other times. You will have to position yourself for it." Although it is God's perfect will for all to receive the overflow, not all will receive it because not all will position themselves for it. How do you position yourself? You position yourself through obedience. The Lord also said; "Put your house in order!" Many are not receiving all that God has for them as well as the overflow because they are not positioned properly in the spirit or in the natural. God is there and has provided everything for us that we need and will ever need in our lifetime but we have to position ourselves to receive it." (Richard Pace - 2008: The Year of Overflow).

"On the 2nd of September 2008, the Lord said, I have told you that you have been in a seven year war season which began in September 2001 and will continue until and end in September 2008. This seven year war season is now over! Starting from yesterday, 1/9/08, this war season is completed and you will now step into your promised land. You, as well as the body of Christ have now entered into a time (season) of overflow blessing. Declare it! Speak it out! In ancient times the sounding of a trumpet (or shofar) signified the beginning or end of a season. It marked the commencement of a battle or the starting and ending of a feast. When the shofar was sounded, the atmosphere changed, the season turned and everyone knew it. Now you must sound the shofar to signify the end of one season and the beginning of the new but your shofar is not a ram's horn or trumpet but the prophetic voice. The prophetic declaration spoken by the prophetic voice is the trumpet. When you declare what I have told you, the old season will end and the new will begin. The atmosphere will change and you will go from a season of warfare into a season of overflow." (A New Season - Prophetic Word from the Lord to Richard Pace).

As 2008 draws to a close, the burden God has placed on my heart for the church is that we deepen our relationship with Him, so that we may know Him more intimately (Jn 17:3, Phil 3:10). This is one of the main reasons for what we are seeing in the world, so we may fully understand that we cannot rely on a failing world system but may run to and rely on the Lord for everything. It is so the people of the world may realize that the world system is finite and as a result, learn that God Almighty is the only true rock, run to, give their hearts to Him, be saved and know Him intimately.

2009 has the potential to be an even greater year than what we have already seen. However, we are going to have to choose to co operate with God through obedience to position ourselves to go to a deeper level of intimacy with Him and receive all that He has promised us. We need not fear. TRUST GOD! As the darkness in the world becomes darker, the glory of the Lord in the church will continue to grow brighter. We, our families, finances and possessions will be preserved. If we pray, the Lord will protect and preserve us and for the sake of His elect, will not allow us to suffer with the world. He will also prevent or bring to a quick end many of the disasters to come. This is not a time of doom and gloom for us but of great rejoicing! The events of recent days are signs of the great revival that is coming and of Christ's imminent return. The Lord is utilizing this to bring souls to salvation. As a result, we will see the greatest harvest of souls to the Lord in the history of the church and the world.

We are living in the last days! The Lord is returning soon! Let us be found with our lamps burning.

Come Lord Jesus!

My prayer is that 2009 and the years that follow, will be the greatest years you have ever had with the Lord.


Richard Pace.

Light of the World Ministries Church.

Pastor's Letter (Dec 2008) is featured in the Light of the World Ministries Church 08/09 Newsletter 


