Approximately three years ago, on the 7th of November 2016, a day before the presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the Lord gave me the following prophecy which had been developing in my spirit for two weeks beforehand, which I posted on the 8th of November 2016 about a Trump victory, a Trump re-election and second term (an eight year Trump presidency) and an assassination attempt against him especially in his second term.

This prophecy confirms if the Church prays, Trump will be re-elected in this second presidential election against Biden.

Its important we, the Body of Christ, intercede that God's will be done in this situation. #pray



Those who know me know I am not one who jumps on the bandwagon about ANYTHING, especially concerning a situation of this nature - where the bandwagon seems to already be breaking under the weight of all who have attempted to find even the slightest gap to jump in. I am one who waits on the Lord to speak, then who communicates the message to the Church and the world. Those who know me know who I would support if I was to make a statement about this, but I have been silent, however, I am now speaking because the Lord has.

Throughout the American presidential election campaign, the Lord has been relatively silent and hasn't said very much about it to me at all...UNTIL NOW! Although the Lord only spoke this to me today, it has actually been slowly building up in my spirit. Also, I have purposely avoided watching too much, getting too much information or reading any prophecies about this so that what I hear from the Lord is not influenced or contaminated by the many opinions being hurled throughout the media. A day out from the election, this morning to be exact, I heard the voice of the Lord in my spirit say the following, and I saw three words across my eyes which were,


I have been hearing these words ringing in my spirit ever since I heard them this morning. The Lord revealed to me that if Clinton is elected tomorrow, she will remain in office for two terms (eight years) and during that time, God's judgment will fall upon America. It will come towards the end of her first term and the commencement of her second term. It will be swift, strong and devastating. The sixth trumpet war or world war 3 will come and the platform made ready for the antichrist.

However, if Trump is elected, judgment MAY still come, however, it will be significantly lessened or postponed for the term of his office. I heard the words, THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS, that is, either way, judgment will still come upon America if she does not repent NOW! However, under Clinton, the judgment will come far sooner, swifter, stronger and more devastating than under Trump. Under Trump, the sixth trumpet war or third world war will also be postponed. The Lord also showed me if Trump is elected, he too will remain in office for two terms (eight years). However, there will be an assassination attempt on his life in his first term that will fail if we pray.

The Lord revealed to me that because Clinton supports gay marriage, abortion, the new world order, including a one world government, one world religion and one world economy (which will be the platform for the antichrist), and opposes Israel, and Trump is opposed to gay marriage, abortion and supports Israel, it will be better for America and the world if Trump is in office. If Clinton is in office, everything mentioned in this prophecy will be quickened, accelerated and will bring us closer, even faster, to the sixth trumpet war (world war 3) and the judgment of America. If Trump is elected, many of these things will be lessened, postponed or even stopped.

The Lord is calling ALL believers to pray, intercede and fast that Trump will be elected and will be faithful to keep his promises to oppose gay marriage, abortion and to support Israel. If we do, many of the things mentioned will be lessened, postponed or stopped and God will protect the righteous (His people) - He will not allow them to be judged or destroyed with the wicked. The Lord revealed to me if the Church prays, Trump will be elected. HE WILL WIN! PLEASE PRAY NOW! AND PLEASE SHARE WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN! The future of America and the world depends on it! (Gen 18:16-33, Gen 19:12-29 and 2 Chron 7:12-16).


